A Harvard degree is glamorous but who wants glamour in an industrial equipment distributor? 一个哈佛学位是颇具吸引力的,但在一家工业器材经销公司,谁想要这种吸引力?
Experimental study on coal gasification processes is carried out in an industrial fluidized bed gasifier with a V-type distributor and a diameter of 0.6 m in fluidization bed. 在一沸腾段内径为600mm的V型布风板流化床煤气发生炉内对低热值动力烟煤的气化过程进行了系统的试验研究。
For industrial profiled-slot liquid distributor, some experimental tests have been conducted on large liquid spraying cycle device, the max flux reaches 400 m~ 3/ h. 在大型液体喷淋装置上对工业槽式液体分布器进行了研究,实验液体负荷达到400m3/h。